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Bullet Journal Malaysia
BuJo or bullet journaling took the world by storm when it was introduced in 2013 by Ryder Carroll. What makes BuJo so interesting is that it allows for systematic planning without having to adhere to premade templates. You can make your own template which will suit your schedule. It is flexible and can be customized according to your needs. Read on if you’re ready to start!
1. What You Need
The first thing you would need to have is a notebook. It doesn’t matter what kind of notebook you have but we recommend that you get a blank notebook. You will be able to design freely on blank pages. Other than that, you can also get a notebook with dotted lines.
To get you started, check out ana tomy’s collection. You can also customize your own notebook to truly make it your own. Engrave your name on it, add a ribbon and even choose your paper designs to suit your needs.
Another Malaysian brand you can consider is summorieco. Make your own personalized notebook to suit your need. Decide on the size, layout and colour of your journal.
2. Decorating
It is daunting to start writing on your planner. One of the things that you can put on the first page of your planner is your favourite quote, your name or even the month you started. A simple and minimalist design is good for beginners. You can also create or choose a theme for your planner. This is where you can let loose your creativity. Assigning pages for doodles can help you to explore and decide how you would like your journal to look like.
Other than drawings or doodles, you can also use stickers and tapes. #Sapotlokal by buying from our local talented artists.
3. What To Write
So what do you write in your journal? Firstly, decide what you would use your grid for. For example, it can be for your meal prep list, habit tracking, financial planning or even your reading list.
Once you have decided your grid, start by making an index. Take 3-5 pages for your index and paginate your journal. This will make it easier for you to search for information that you need.
Monthly, Weekly, Daily
Next, create logs for you to fill. You can create future logs for plans not within the year or near future, monthly logs for plans and items for the next 30 days and daily logs for your to do list of the day. You may want to use signifiers to differentiate your entries such as dots, hyphens, stars or different colours for urgent, reminders, events and more.
Memory Logs and Trackers
Other than that, you can also have memory logs in your journal. On these pages, you can write about a funny thing that happened that day, what you are thankful for, a nice thing you saw or someone said to you. At the end of the year, when you look back on the year, you would be grateful to have had documented these then seemingly mundane and unimportant moments.
Moreover, you can have trackers as well. You can have habit trackers for habits you want to cultivate or lose to ensure that you are on track or you can have a health tracker to achieve your goal to be fit and healthy this year. Having a tracker will make you more accountable for your actions – whatever your goals may be.
4. It is about you.
Most importantly, have fun! Don’t stress about if your journal is aesthetically pleasing enough as compared to others on social media. Get inspired, use them as references and keep doing your own thing. Remember, this is about you and how you are taking control of your day.